Canadians Talking Tech

Follow live Habs updates on Twitter

by Noah Bloom Posted in Sports

Twitter user @habstwit is covering great play-by-play of Montreal Canadiens‘ hockey games. For some more Habs-following Twitterers, try Andre Nantel, laurentlasalle, TanMcG, JohnnyCanuck, stephdau, and JeromeParadis (taken from Metblogs’ Twittering the Habs game).

And of course, there’s also #habs real-time Twitter results.

Update: Streaming video is also available at Habs Online TV, Justin.TV, (except when they show figure skating instead of the Habs), and RDS (subscription service). Great audio coverage with Murray Wilson and Rick Moffat is on CJAD 800 Montreal. Also, the game summary at the Canadiens official page comes in handy. You see, not all Habs fans get all the games broadcast where they live, and well some probably don’t even have TVs.

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