Canadians Talking Tech

Blackberry Bold Delayed!

by Noah Bloom Posted in Mobile

Condolences to fellow NorthGeek Blackberry fanboys, but it looks like the Bold is delayed until August. Blame it on AT&T in the US, as they were supposed to get the device first but supposedly need more time to stabilize the device on their HSPA network. So it looks like AT&T will have it in August for $300, and other operators in September.

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  1. 3 Responses to “Blackberry Bold Delayed!”

  2. By Phil on Jun 25, 2008

    I heard that it’s not delayed for Canada. Fingers crossed…

  3. By Sir Hasen III on Jun 26, 2008

    September for other carriers?!?!

  4. By hayzoos (Angry Jesus) on Jun 26, 2008

    Oh my lord (and friend) Jesus. This would be horrific. I certainly hope “Noah” is wrong and “Phil” is right!

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