Canadians Talking Tech

Choose Canadian Food

by Noah Bloom Posted in Canada, Food

Hellmann’s is launching a campaign that is bang on. Our food imports in Canada are growing way too quickly, and that’s not just exotic fruits. We need to do something about this. Ask — where does our food come from? Look… ask… buy Canadian food whenever and wherever possible.

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  1. One Response to “Choose Canadian Food”

  2. By Anthony Nicalo on Jun 4, 2010

    It certainly doesn’t make sense to export food that you then reimport. Overall, food should travel shorter distances, but xenophobic undertones and stark political boundaries are not the solution. We need food systems that are built on watersheds/regional economies- nature does not understand arbitrary borders. Hellmans has an economic incentive for you to “buy Canadian,” but it is assinine to suggest that Vancouverites can support local food purchasing from Ontario instead of Washington.

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