Have you seen this kid dance yet?
by Noah Bloom Comments Off on Have you seen this kid dance yet?Song is Wait (The Whisper Song) by Ying Yang Twins. This little guy has some serious moves!
Song is Wait (The Whisper Song) by Ying Yang Twins. This little guy has some serious moves!
My friends Phil, Joe, Mike and Ricky went on a little heli-ski vacation this past winter, and shot their adventures on two HD camcorders, one of which was helmet-mounted. Wow, a helmet cam in Western Canada’s waist-deep pow, can’t get any better than that! Great job on the video, Little Dog!!
We at NorthGeek pride ourselves on finding excellent product, always for the best price around. Dan R is shopping for a new car, and boy, he’s shopping! Noah spent months looking around for frame, groupo, wheels, etc for his latest road bike. I am still looking for the right cable set up for my latest additions to my home theater. And no, I’m not talking about this home theater…
Well, today, we were contacted by Optimized Cable Company (http://www.optimization-world.com/), who wants to work with us to help promote low-cost and high-quality cables, from video (HDMI/DVI) to audio (optical/digital), to networking (ethernet/USB) and more. They also have accessories that will help you complete that pet project of yours, be it a home office or home theater!
NorthGeek has some product on the way, so stay tuned for some video reviews! Thanks, Optimized!!
This Damien Walters guy is IN-SANE. Some really cool stuff, and check out those abs. Wow, he must have at least two ab rollers…
You’ve gotta see this:
This is pretty cool stuff! I wonder if it’s available in Canada? Styling-wise, it looks like a car from the future…
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Hola amigos, it’s been a slow week at the ‘Geek (with all due credence to the Google streetview camera – finally, the beautiful pictorial story of my hipster neighborhood will be told!), but I’ve got good news. My buddy Mike clued me into this very special site last night. I can confidently assure you that this is currently the raddest website in the universe (not named NorthGeek). Be sure to go to the older pages to see all the magic. My favourite photo is NSFW, so I’ll just link to it here. It combines my two favourite things: concealed infants and unconcealed weapons. That’s all I’m saying. Let the laughter – and awkwardness – flow.
Great news!! Montreal’s Plateau area will be included in Google’s Street View!! I spotted the car in the wild, on Duluth and Hotel-De-Ville, not too far from the NorthGeek headquarters… Unfortunately, the car was parked and the camera was covered, so I will not be in Street View. I know you were all wanting that pretty badly. So was I.
Here she is, in full (sort of…) HD:
OK, fine, I’ll admit it… I first saw this video on Perez Hilton’s website. I am so not proud of that. In fact, I would rather not even link to the page. Sorry.
Please, just watch:
As I was inspired by Dan W.’s posting of the hilarious Bud Swear Jar commercial, I’ve gotta give a shout out to Dos Equis beer for their own, giggle-inducing entry.
Hot babes, exotic locales, and extreme sports are the required ingredients for any beer spot worth its foamy suds, but the writers behind the Dos Equis ad incorporate that holy trinity with a delicious, ironic twist. Their mysterious character – The Most Interesting Man In The World – is a heady concoction: equal parts J. Peterman and Chuck Norris. Also, kudos to the writers for making Jai Alai look so awesome (which it is). That hasn’t happened since the opening credits to Miami Vice. Stay thirsty, my friends…