Gary Vaynerchuck drinks wine and kicks ass
by Noah Bloom Comments Off on Gary Vaynerchuck drinks wine and kicks assThis is required viewing for anyone who’s making trying to make a living online. Gary Vaynerchuck from Wine Library TV has made a few killer, inspirational presentations, but this is perhaps the best. Here’s Gary at the Web 2.0 Expo in New York in September 2008. He talks about hard damn work (“stop watching fucking Lost”), passion in what you do (“if you’re pumping out good shit, people will follow”), and personal branding (ask yourself: “what do I want to do?”). Anything can happen, but if you have brand equity, you’ll be fine.
“Legacy is greater than currency.” The only thing worse than failing and being skeptical is being irrelevant. Now go!
(Actually, he normally spits out his tastings. I do hope he drinks the stuff on occasion.)