Canadians Talking Tech

Something odd about Bruno the movie

by Noah Bloom Posted in Movies, Web

The preview for Sacha Baron Cohen’s new gem Bruno is now for the viewing. Of course, this movie is going to be hilarious — Cohen’s gotta be the most creative and abrasive mainstream comedian out there. But what’s so funny, or strange about this? Why does the official movie website look like a hacked together WordPress site built on the free Revolution template originally from Brian Gardner? (By the way, Brian makes great stuff.) Notice the funny gradients, typical ironic t-shirt ads, Google ad banners, obvious keyword usage, dead links, etc. Have a look and see if you can figure out how it fits in with the movie… is it not really the official movie site, or it must just be part of the humour?

Bruno homepage

Here’s the trailer. Enjoy:

Not like there’s anything wrong with launching an incomplete WordPress project…

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